Sunday, April 24, 2011

Something old and something new...

So I've always been an avid reader of blogs, mostly fashion or art related and like it so often goes, I've finally developed an itch to start my own. Im not sure where exactly Im going with it, but Im confident it will work itself out in the end. Let me start out by introducing myself, I'm Jas a 22 year old art history student in my last year of school, perhaps this around the corner change is whats pushing me try something new. Although, Im not sure where the focus of this blog is going I can assure you there will be posts on art exhibits (from ancient to contemporary and everything in between), as well as my fashion interests and everyday things that I find interesting, thought provoking or just plain pretty. Also Im hoping to have the prowess to include some posts on my daily fashion choices, but thats just an aspiration. 

I decided to include some paintings from one of my favorite American realists, Edward Hopper. His love for the lonely quiet moments of daily life is what draws me to his works. The women he portrays are usually alone and seem to be in deep thought. Although these women were coming out of the 30's and 40's WWII era I think that the contemporary woman can also have some definite connections to these moments of introspection that we all most often have. It is this introspection that makes the viewer want to know more. Is she sad? Hiding a secret? Or simply taking time out of her day to just think? In other words, Hopper has provided the moment and has left the viewer to provide a story. These spaces are silent and uncommunicative, but provide us with a venue for thought as well as an opportunity to turn the timeless moment into a complex narrative. It is this quiet brilliance that first drew me into modern American painting as a whole. Enjoy. 

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